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Oportunidades tecnológicas – EEN (15/01/2024)

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Resumen de las oportunidades tecnológicas recibidas a través de la Red Enterprise Europe Network

Con el objetivo de acercar todo tipo de información de interés para nuestras empresas, ante la situación de cambio e incertidumbre provocada por la crisis del COVID-19, MetaIndustry4 presenta este boletín de oportunidades tecnológicas, publicados por la European Enterprise Network, en colaboración con la red Galactea.

Se trata de la recopilación de oportunidades tecnológicas recibidas por esta institución, y que han sido seleccionadas dentro del área tecnológica de interés.
El objetivo de la red es propiciar acuerdos transnacionales de tecnología y apoyo para la presentación de proyectos europeos.

Desde esta publicación se irán actualizando los contenidos con las oportunidades que vayan surgiendo a nivel europeo.

Referencia: BE20231222001
Reto de innovación abierta MWC (Mobile World Congress) 2024
Fecha Límite: 
Tipo de Oportunidad Tecnológica:

The MWC Open Innovation Challenge is an event that facilitates meetings between corporations and companies with an open innovation challenge and start-ups and other technological providers that can offer a solution. From 26th to 29th of February there will be only physical meetings between corporates/investors and technology providers, in the venue of 4YFN congress in Barcelona. Other meetings will be online on separate days between March 4th and 8th.
Para más información pulse aquí

Referencia: TOFR20240102008
Título: Búsqueda de proyectos colaborativos de micromontaje en fotónica
Fecha Límite:02/01/2025
Tipo de Oportunidad Tecnológica: Oferta

A French SME specialised in robotics for the manipulation and assembly of miniaturised components has been working and developing knowledge in the field of semiconductors and micro-electronics since 2011. The photonics market has been facing major challenges in recent years, partly in the search for micro-assembly solutions to improve repeatability, quality and production speed. The company began the transition from its technologies to photonic applications and seeks new partners.
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Referencia: RDRES20240109011
Título: EIC Pathfinder: Canal de comunicación cuántica instantánea entre la Tierra y Marte
Fecha Límite:31/01/2024
Tipo de Oportunidad Tecnológica: Búsqueda de socios

The leader of QUANTEL “Quantum Noise Teleportation”, that pursues a quantum link capable of sending information at infinite speed without energy exchange, is looking for partners in quantum physics & materials, electronics, quantum cryostat technology, electromagnetism, quartz lattices & mechanical engineering machining. The goal is to teleport information based on the entanglement of the oscillation of the state of 2 remote hadrons, which occurs when they are tuned in the same quantum band.
Para más información pulse aquí

Referencia: BE20240108001
Título: B2B ProSME – Apoyo a la participación de pymes europeas en compra pública fuera de la UE
Fecha Límite:07/02/2024
Tipo de Oportunidad Tecnológica: Eventos

Funded by the European Commission under COSME, the ProSME aims to assist European SMEs in international procurement, especially in Canada, Colombia, Ukraine and Switzerland. On February 7th in Brussels, the consortium organizes a seminar to present the main results of the project and several tools set by the European Commission to support SMEs in their internationalization through public procurement. Participants will have the opportunity to book short meetings with other participants in an orga
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Referencia: TOIT20220420018
Título: Plataforma de software que detecta y repara rápidamente errores en webs y aplicaciones, reduciendo hasta un 70% los costes de monitorización de errores
Fecha Límite:19/04/2024
Tipo de Oportunidad Tecnológica: Oferta

The Italian startup has developed an innovative monitoring platform for the detection and resolution of bugs in apps and websites. The main advantage in using this platform is having a more reliable website or app for companies, where bugs are tracked and resolved immediately. Estimates show that the platform can save up to 70% of companies’ daily monitoring costs. The startup is looking for partners who want to incorporate its technology (commercial or technological partners).
Para más información pulse aquí

Referencia: BE20231221001
Título: Congreso Nacional Hidrógeno Verde (Huelva, 7-9 febrero)
Fecha Límite:09/02/2024
Tipo de Oportunidad Tecnológica: Eventos

In the framework of the “1st National Congress on Green Hydrogen” that will take place in Huelva (Spain) from 7-9 February 2024, the Enterprise Europe Network is organizing an International Brokerage Event on Green Hydrogen. During the Brokerage Event, meetings will be take place in a dedicated area in CASA COLÓN and will be arranged in advance by means of the event’s website. The model is time – and cost efficient and result in business opportunities!
Para más información pulse aquí

Referencia: BE20231213001
Título: Plataforma empresarial UE-Japón en transición ecológica
Fecha Límite:25/03/2024
Tipo de Oportunidad Tecnológica: Eventos

EEN Japan is launching a B2B hybrid event that aims at bringing together companies as well as research organisations from Japan and Europe for partnerships that contribute to a low-carbon society focusing on renewable energies, Carbon Capture and storage technologies, etc.The platform will offer: – online meeting sessions from 15-16 and 19-22 February 2024 – onsite meetings in Tokyo during the Smart Energy Week on 28 Feb – 1 March – online pitching and other webinars will complete the a
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