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Opportunities for SMEs through cascade financing projects. Second webinar

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MetaIndustry4, as part of the activities of the Asturias Digital Innovation Hub (AsDIH) organizes next April 19 at 9:00 am the second informative webinar, “Internationalization of innovation. Opportunities for SMEs through cascade funding projects”.

In this event you will have the opportunity to learn about the funding opportunities offered by three Euroclusters projects, whose calls are currently open. The language of this meeting will be English. The forseen agenda is:

9:00h Presentation of the day and explanation of the characteristics of the Euroclusters.
9:15h Presentation of open calls:

  • IKAT. This project aims to contribute to the achievement of the tourism strategy put forward by the EC, in maritime and coastal Med. IKAT has been set up to tackle the different sectors and agents that make up the industrial ecosystem of Tourism in Europe: Maritime and Logistics Clusters, Tourism Clusters and Innovation and Water Quality Control Clusters.
  • ELBE, European Leaders of Blue Energy. This alliance develop New Value Chains (NVCs): with a focus in three areas: Offshore Wind EnergyWave Energy and Tidal Energy. Its objective is to understand and structure these NVCs, which comprise companies from several traditional sectors such as energy, shipbuilding, sea logistics or environmental. Its goal is to promote European Collaboration in the fields of innovation, internationalisation, networking and training in order to contribute positioning Europe as the technological and industrial leader in Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE).
  • INGENIOUSBuilding resilience and accelerating transition to green and digital economy in Energy Intensive Industries. This project supports Europe’s industry to gain sovereignty, to drive competitive sustainability, to be the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050, and to shape Europe’s digital future. In order to tackle these challenges  disruptive innovation/transformation, especially in Energy-Intensive Industries.

10:15h End of the session

You can register here 