Thank you for joining us in 2024, celebrating new achievements, embracing change, and working towards a more advanced, digital, and sustainable metal industry. Happy holidays from the entire team and…
The whole MI4 team wishes you a Merry Christmas! Guillermo Ulacia, María Pérez, Estefanía González, Jose Ramón Natal, Carmen González and Silvia Jiménez, would like to thank you for letting…
ELA aims to strengthen the competitive position of its members and aspires to create a strong collaborative network among them. MetaIndustry4, following its objectives to achieve a international expansion, by…
Presentation by the president in our Annual Report 2019.2020 Looking back in time we can see that the three founding principles that define us, Value Creation, Technology and Knowledge are still in force. The cluster…
Editorial article by the president of MetaIndustry4. Guillermo Ulacia, in La nueva España talking about the exit strategies of the COVID19 crisis. The importance of get ready now to get out of the economic crisis caused by the pandemic.
MI4's 2019 in two minutes. We want to thank you all #SociosMI4 and partners, for a year full of activities, learnings and collaborations. Happy holidays and joyfull new year! Happy Holidays from MetaIndustry4
MetaIndustry4 participated actively in Hannover Messe 2019. In the framework of the Fair, the Cluster participated as a member of the European delegation in a Europe-Canada parallel meeting
The group formed by Asturfeito, Idesa, Izertis, thyssenkrupp Norte and Vorago are working on the development of a prototype production planner, based on Artificial Intelligence.
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